NextPV Newsletter

Getting overwhelmed by the news is an everyday struggle for those wishing to stay in touch with the latest news. Our newsletter should make it easier for those interested in pharmacovigilance regulations, advancement in the relevant use of artificial intelligence, and personal growth. Approaching with care, the same as we provide PV services, we thoughtfully pick articles every month to keep you updated.

June 2024

Is there a need to strengthen the evidence base regarding medication use during pregnancy and to facilitate the early detection of safety signals? The World Health Organization characterizes burnout as comprising three key dimensions. In some ways, AI could achieve the same accuracy as physicians sooner rather than later. And much more...

Regulatory news

Artificial Intelligence

Further relevant reading

Refocusing on Patient Safety

Twenty years after the publication of the Canadian Adverse Events Study, the incidence of patient safety events remains an important challenge in Canadian healthcare. Human resource issues dominate current strategic plans, but these issues need to be linked to renewed efforts to assure safer care

9 Questions to Help You Figure Out Why You’re Burned Out

The World Health Organization characterizes burnout as comprising three key dimensions: sustained feelings of exhaustion, feelings of personal inefficacy, and increased mental distance from one’s job. In this article, the author outlines nine questions to ask yourself under each of these three categories to help you diagnose what’s causing your burnout. It’s likely a combination of factors, requiring a number of changes over time to fully address it, and not something a one-off vacation can reverse right away.

The Most Strategic Leaders Excel in 4 Disciplines

Strategic fitness is a leader’s ability to learn from and adapt to their environment to set direction and create a competitive advantage. A study of 77 C-suite executives over four years found that strategically fit leaders excel in four disciplines : 1) Strategic fitness, or setting clear direction and calibrating when necessary; 2) Leadership fitness, or refining their style to meet the moment; 3) Organizational fitness, or investing in thinking about the future state of the business; and 4) Communication fitness, or effectively collaborating with internal and external stakeholders.

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